Life has a way of reminding us that we are not in control. No matter how much we plan, prepare, or try to force things to go our way, some things are simply out of our hands. And if we’re not careful, we can spend too much energy stressing over what we can’t change instead of focusing on what we can.
I’ve learned that peace comes from surrendering the uncontrollable and doubling down on the things I do have power over, like my attitude, my actions, and my faith in God’s timing.
Here are seven things you can’t control in life (no matter how hard you try) and where to shift your focus instead:

1. Other People’s Opinions
You could do everything right, be the kindest person on the planet, and still have people who don’t like you. That’s just life. Trying to control how others see you is exhausting and pointless. Instead of chasing approval, focus on living with integrity. Do what’s right, even if it’s not popular, and let people think what they want.
2. The Past
No amount of regret, replaying old conversations, or wishing things had gone differently will change what’s already happened. The past is set in stone. But the good news is that you can control how you respond to it. Learn the lesson, forgive where needed, and move forward. Staying stuck in 'what ifs' only steals your future.
3. The Future
We can plan, set goals, and prepare for the future, but we don’t get to control how it unfolds. Unexpected opportunities will come, and so will unexpected setbacks. The key is to stay flexible, trust God, and focus on what you can do today. Worrying about tomorrow won’t change it; being intentional today will.
4. How Others Treat You
People will disappoint you. They’ll misunderstand you, take you for granted, or let their own issues spill onto you. You can’t control how others act, but you can control how you respond. Don’t let bitterness take root. Set boundaries, guard your peace, and choose to keep your heart soft even when people are hard to love.
5. Change
Nothing stays the same forever. People grow, seasons shift, and life moves forward whether we’re ready or not. Fighting change only makes it harder. Instead of resisting it, learn to adapt. See change as an opportunity for growth, even when it’s uncomfortable.
6. Unexpected Challenges
Life can be tough. Loss, setbacks, and sudden changes happen whether we want them to or not. We don’t get to choose when or how they come, but we do get to decide whether we let them break us or build us. Hard times will come, but with the right mindset, they can shape you into someone even stronger.
7. God’s Timing
You can pray, work hard, and do everything “right,” but at the end of the day, some things will happen on God’s timeline, not yours. And that’s a good thing. Trusting His timing means believing He knows what’s best, even when you don’t understand. Looking back, I’m grateful for the times God didn’t give me what I wanted when I wanted it and even for the times He didn’t give me what I wanted at all. In hindsight, I can see how His timing and wisdom protected me from situations I wasn’t ready for or that weren’t meant for me. I truly dodged some bullets.
Focus on What You Can Control
Instead of wasting time and energy stressing over the things you can’t control, shift your focus:
Your attitude
Your actions
Your response to challenges
Your daily habits
Your faith in God’s plan
In a world full of uncertainties, it’s easy to get caught up in trying to control everything. But the most empowering thing you can do is focus on what’s within your reach. Let go of the things you can’t control and invest your time and energy in the areas where you do have power. When you choose to live with intention, trust God’s timing, and embrace life’s changes, you’ll find peace and strength in the midst of it all. Remember that what you can control is half the battle.
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